Passion Fruits Have Seeds

Oli, Age 4

  • Mixed media
  • Watercolour paint, oil pastels and ink
  • 148(w) 210(h) 0(d) mm

My mum and I put the passion fruits in a big green and black plate. We cut one open and left the other one closed. We drew and painted them. The next morning, we ate them during breakfast before going to school.

Passion fruits are common and accessible in Venezuela, where my husband and I were born. Beyond tasting the fruit itself, art is a great way to invite children to contemplate, and offers the perfect opportunity to talk about what we can see and what we can remember. It’s a meaningful way to expose our little one to his cultural heritage, in a fun and engaging way, where he can experiment and enjoy.

Passion fruits remind us to look beyond the surface and to be curious, and within that curiosity, to discover other worlds and be surprised.