Triptych: The Jiynt Heds

George, Age 6

  • Painting
  • Acrylic paint on paper
  • 670(w) 31(h) 1(d) mm

George painted this triptych during Black History month in October 2021. He had been learning about eminent black artists such as Alma Woodsey Thomas and different practices like Kente weaving. He also learned about rock art and read fascinating myths and legends. I think this inspired him to do these bold paintings which are more abstract than the pictures he might normally draw. The three pieces work well together as a triptych and will be framed as such or can be separated if needed. The titles (as written by George on the paintings) are: 'The Jiynt and the Red roc god', 'The Jiynt Hed and The Fin Ladee Nec', and 'The Jiynt Heds on The Mowtns'.