Wes Anderson-esque Sibling Book Club

Selma, Age 16

  • Painting
  • Oil paint on board
  • 810(w) 1220(h) 5(d) mm

The initial inspiration for this painting was to have 3 faces as the focal points and to have an intriguing colour palette. I gathered me and my brothers and dressed us according to the colour palette of Fantastic Mr Fox directed by Wes Anderson. I was also influenced by “The Bridesmaid” by John Everett Millais - particularly his use of striking contrasts, as well as the colour palette and painterly approach of Van Gogh. For me, this painting's concept is the sense of belonging I have with my brothers, all being equally cheeky and I suppose looking the same. It's reassuring and makes me feel safe that no matter where I go, I will always have the two of them and I will always treasure that.