Juxtaposition of Man-made and Organic Decay

Sam, Age 19

  • Installation
  • Thrown ceramic pots with found rusty items
  • 1500(w) 250(h) 180(d) mm

Inspired by the exploration of abandoned urban buildings and my curiosity in following an organic creative process, the work exhibits nine thrown bowls. The lower half of each bowl is at a similar height, and each is to be regarded as ‘perfect’. In contrast, the top half is more organic and ‘wild’. This gives a juxtaposing impression, whilst allowing each pot an opportunity to display its own character and identity.

I found the metal items whilst exploring abandoned buildings, and they have been fired to 1280°C, which has given them a chance to melt and morph into an altered appearance. The rusty metal items within each pot are grouped accordingly with items that would be commonly found together. I have been motivated by my love of learning to throw on the potter’s wheel and I have taken inspiration from William Staite Murray, Alice Fox, Florian Gadsby and Joseph Cornell.

Currently on free display at the RA