The Grange

Eva, Age 18

  • Photograph
  • Steel
  • A3 portrait

Inspired by ‘Grid Architecture’ and David Chipperfield’s ‘Sculpture for the Subjective Experience of Architecture’ I designed and welded together a basic structural representation of ‘The Grange’, an 18th century former rectory currently under restoration. The building was left in a state of disrepair and was stripped back to its architectural shell in order to be restored, which the structure signifies in its simplicity.

The 4 cubes, made using steel rods, represent different sections of the house; a room, the extension and the buildings three storeys. The feature that makes the house most distinguishable is the presence of three storeys at the front and two storeys at the back, outlined on the structure with the rod sloped back at an angle

The captured image was inspired by shadow photography, the shot captured in a room of complete darkness, with projections of light used to reflect the shapes upon the walls.

Currently on free display at the RA