For Women and Girls

Alice, Age 17

  • Print
  • Lino print
  • A2 portrait

I was inspired to create this protest poster following the takeover of Afghanistan by the Taliban in August 2021 and the subsequent destruction of women’s rights in the country. Despite the Taliban not officially banning girl’s from education, women have been barred from some public universities and secondary schools for girls have not yet reopened.
I think that it’s pivotal for women and girls all around the world to be given the same access to education that men and boys are. It’s also important for us in this country to recognise the privilege we have to be able to attend school and to strive for the same equality worldwide. I hope that my poster is able to raise awareness on this issue in a clear and impactful way that provokes thought as well as gratitude for the education we take for granted.

Currently on free display at the RA