Fatherly Love

Annabelle, Age 18

  • Painting
  • Acrylic paint on board
  • 575(w) 815(h) 10(d) mm

My project came about through an exploration of my own heritage and understanding my background through my art. Inspired by Njideka Akunyili Crosby, I have created large hybrids of acrylic painting with photo transfer and collage, feeling her use of family photos as the base of her collage to anchor her work to her own
culture was key to the navigation of my own. As a mixed woman, I am tethered to two identities which I feel have given me a dual perspective on many things and this duality is what I have tried to convey through my work. Understanding where my identity has led me to fit into family, friendships and a greater sense of self was a major influence for me in this project. This art has helped me turn the common mixed-race experience of feeling disconnected or lonely in our identity, into something appreciative and expressive.

Currently on free display at the RA