Nothing Is Lost

Charles, Age 19

  • Sculpture
  • Steel
  • 735(w) 1800(h) 825(d) mm

Conceptually, the artistic purpose was to take previously functioning agricultural components and repurpose them, producing something complementary to the landscape with direct reference to the object’s materiality and original purpose. I was able to reflect on the influences that informed its making and link the sculpture back to the landscape by presenting it within that context. I have sited my sculpture within its landscape, the place where the discarded components were embedded and found. The sculpture shares the vibrant colours of early summer months of oil seed rape and poppies, contrasting with the almost monochromatic background of growing crops. Echoing the colours of early summer it provides a celebration of the richness of the seasons. Elements within the sculpture look out of proportion challenging the supposed boundaries within material relationships and furthermore, perceptions of art itself.

Currently on free display at the RA