Mwene's Emoji

Marcela, Age 18

  • Painting
  • Oil paint on board
  • 1189(w) 841(h) 6.35(d) mm

This painting is to illustrate the value of joy when making art by highlighting it through the use of childlike creativity. My brother stands as a proud artist beside his emoji-inspired self-portrait, in a gallery setting. This is to elevate the value of the creative artwork of a child because a seven-year-old's work is now in a gallery - a place that unanimously agreed that any work there is valuable. Hence, creating an image of my brother being a talented artist, validating the idea of childlike creative freedom is important when creating art. Furthermore, even as he tries to appear as a professional artist, the innocence of the work and happiness on his face does not fail to shine through. Emphasising that enjoying the process of making art can heavily influence the way the work would be perceived.

Currently on free display at the RA


Winner of the President's Prize