March of Lifetime

Humphreys, Year 14

  • Photograph
  • A2 portrait

This piece of artwork represents the current youth. I have set out on a journey to document individuals who stand out amongst others in society. When going out into London I'm inspired by the rebels who dress with colour and purpose. Colour to me adds expression to the individual. In this case I found this background in Hackney Central and found the green and pink very engaging. I knew I had to find individuals to photograph immediately in front of this background. I saw these people passing by and was captivated by the girl with the pink trousers. For me this photo radiates hope for my generation. Therefore I wanted to combine the photo with words of hope from Wilfred Owen's poem 'The Fates'. The current youth have a lot to fight for: this photo is my way of expressing it.

Currently on free display at the RA