The Commute

Jack, Year 5

  • Drawing
  • Markers
  • 310(w) 180(h) (d) mm

Jack has a real interest in trains and a true passion for the London Underground. He will spend hours looking through books, all his spare time going on the Tube, speaking to the staff, travelling on all the train lines and memorising and drawing the Tube map. Jack is 9 years old and was diagnosed with moderate to severe Autism 5 years ago. He has many anxieties, social and developmental struggles but has found a love in art and in particular drawing. His attention and the amount of details he can include on an A4 page with his markers always astonishes us! With the help, care and nurture of his amazing school, Jack continues to enjoy and develop his drawing skills and always enjoys learning new things and ways of expressing himself.

Currently on free display at the RA