
Jasmin, Year 9

  • Sculpture
  • White bread, cheddar cheese, worcestershire sauce, clear varnish
  • 100(w) 130(h) 15(d) mm

I wanted to submit a contemporary sculpture about every day life. Then one lunchtime recently I accidentally burnt my lunch, a Welsh rarebit, and I was amazed at the different textures and colours that the bread, cheese and Worcestershire sauce had created. I dried the burnt rarebit over 48 hours to take away the moisture then gave it several coats of a clear yacht wood varnish. The varnish has created a hard external shell which gives the sculpture an unusual surreal quality with a real colour vibrancy. For me, the sculpture represents how most people in developed countries would take food for granted and it is only when you really look at this unusual sculpture that you begin to appreciate the detail and textures that the burnt cheese and toast actually create, focusing on food waste.

Currently on free display at the RA